Sitemap - 2024 - Secular AZ’s Substack

We can disagree and still love each other unless...

Bracing for the Broligarchy

Life is Like a Dystopian Novel

Quiet Strength

Let's Get This War on Xmas Started!

Deja Vu...

A Journey of Resilience and Esperanza: Why We Must Stand for Migrant Justice

The Grooming, Indoctrination, and Sterilization of the American Mind

Choose Your Fighter!

Individualism is Destroying America

Of Gods and Monsters

The "Grace of Christ" is free, so who needs free money?

Destruction, Chaos, and Wasting Taxpayer Money

Actual Joy vs Serena Joy...

Serena Joy vs Actual Joy

Dabblers in Deception, Masters of Buffoonery

No More Sugarcoating.

Big City, Small Town...

Hate vs. Joy

I'll Take a Distraction Burger, Please...

The Quiet Part is About to get REAL Loud

Secular AZ Hires New Development Director

Debates, Project 25, SCOTUS…

Bigots putting the WTA in FUSD

This One's for the Rural Freethinkers

DVUSD - FBC(Fact-Based Conservative)

Why are Christian Nationalists So Loud?!?

All dogs are the best dogs. Humans, not so much.

Everything is Just Fine in PUSD

Spring is in the Air at PUSD

PUSD Community Makes a Case for Comprehensive Sex Ed

Legal Analysis: Arizona's Abortion Ban

Secular Activist Lady Went Down to NOLA

I Went to the Arizona Capitol for the First Time.

Arizona’s Bigot Brigade...

AZ Got 99 Problems, and MPS Ain't One...For Now

AZGOP: Putting the AZ in Crazy

Fundie TradWife Baby Voice...

Promising Changes at PUSD

Happy Satan Day at the AZ Legislature

Worst. School board meeting. Ever.

Board Buffoonery Begone

How Did YOU Celebrate National Religious Freedom Day?

Tinfoil Hats and Bad Behavior (Part 2)

Tinfoil Hats and Bad Behavior (Part 1)

Here Come the Christofascist Bills

"Christians Don't Do That Anymore" says AZ State Lawmaker