Sitemap - 2023 - Secular AZ’s Substack
Welcome to the Late Stage Capitalism Era of Public Education
School Board Meeting or Episode of All My Children?
Why Secular AZ is leaving Twitter/X/Xitter
We've Reached the Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud Stage
Deeply. Unserious. Boardsmanship.
Myopic? Entitled? Privileged? Or All of the Above
Collective Existential Anxiety
Pumpkin Spice, Fall Leaves, and Christofascist BS
Another Week, Another PVUSD Meeting...
PUSD Board Meeting: No One's Laughing
Paradise Valley School Board Meeting: All About Evolution (of Public Comments)
Eating Bugs and Transgender Nudist Colony Bathrooms?
Things that are Ponderous in DVUSD
Three Stooges or DVUSD Study Session?
Secular Activist Lady Goes to the Peoria City Council Meeting
Excuse Me Ma’am, Your Racism is Showing
Like Watching a Car Crashing Into a Trainwreck (While a Nuclear Bomb Goes Off)
Law, God, and Attacks on Women
Procedural Missteps, White Supremacy & Fake Electors, Oh My!
Fetal Heartbeat Laws Defy Science, Religion and Law...
PVUSD: Elect Clowns, Expect a Circus
Peoria Unified School Board Member Calls for Extermination of Non-Christians...
I watched the Biblegate!!!™ hearing so you don't have to
Nazi haircuts, conspiracy theories and bible verses...
SUSD: Where Teaching Kids to be Kind is Now a Front in the "Culture War"
"Science was created by god, legitimately, to be constant."
"Am I At a School Board Meeting or a Church Sermon?"
How the Right Perverts and Weaponizes Child Protection
#NotADragQueen: Every Accusation a Confession
Welcome! We're Secular AZ, a 501(c)3 that fights for separation of church and state in Arizona.