Acknowledge how horrible things are, lean on family, friends, and allies that feel that with you, and fight on. ❤️

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So happy to read of your respite with Dad and travels this fall. Only a person of fortitude willingly sits through some of these school board meetings and reports back to the community. Please continue to take quality mental and physical breaks. Look after yourself. Thank you, Jeanne

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Well, I'm an old man. My passion, in most cases, seems to have morphed into anxiety and fear. Then I read your article.

Jeanne, keep it up (as it were.) :-)

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I want a Secular Fam bumper sticker.

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I didn't know you like bumper stickers. LOL

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Haha I've got a few

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Thanks for again saying the truth! Especially this: "I’m tired of living in this bullshit Era where we ALL KNOW THAT NONE OF THIS IS NORMAL, but we’re all expected to just go to work, run our errands, and like, raise kids and stuff as if we’re unaware of this completely toxic and unfair system that is causing so many of us real anxiety, stress, and perhaps even depression."

I keep saying that, in different words, and it feels like shouting into an empty room. None of this is normal, it's just not. Keep saying it, and I will too.

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Keep up the great work of advocacy and the brilliant writing that helps me find laughter in the midst of these dark days. We need more truth-tellers to SQPOL!

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Know what I hate, when people say they don’t want to talk politics. Politics is literally determining the quality of our child’s education, quality of the water we drink, healthcare we receive, protection we receive from predators. So yeah, let’s talk about the Kardashians instead.

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S.A.L. I want ya to know that there is a special place out there.....somewhere in the ether.....for you.

I mean.....you lift the lid on the shittiest parts of humanity.....the ugly....the "making of the sausage" if ya will......and while doing so, you make me literally laugh out loud. Thanks for shining a bright light on the hypocrisy that runs rampant and doing so with a smirk and a middle finger.

Well done ol' friend!

And that was meant figuratively of course 😉

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