Fabulous running commentary. Thank you so much not only for being at all these meetings - legislature, school boards, etc.etc. and giving us the details- but for being such a dedicated citizen all the time! I hope we have lots of little Arizonans modeling you to follow in your footsteps. Judy Whitehouse

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OMG, Jeanne, I loved your commentary (and glad you did save me the pain of having to endure it directly). Thank you for this, AND FOR ALL YOU DO for our community!!!

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Great stuff, Jeanne, the Capitol hearing. When we getting back to live meetings, like in the Before Times? Thanks, Ted Solis, Tempe

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Thank you for the awesome writing about this Capitol hearing... Your humor makes this such a fun read that I really look forward to your analysis of these events.

Thank you for everything you do for Secular AZ !

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BRAVO, Jeanne!! Your humorous comments made this read almost bearable. I now understand how you stay reasonably sane. Thank you for all you do for the cause.

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