For someone who professes to be about “local control” and “small government”- John Kavanagh is the worst offender of proposing far reaching, government control over every aspect of Arizona citizens’ lives. A quick survey of his greatest hits include:

- telling municipalities they cannot control the number of Air B&Bs

- telling HOAs what they can and cannot do

- where people can use the restroom

- how local school districts can function

- he proposed a law banning people from using their own phones on public streets to record police

- telling municipalities whether they can use speed cameras or red light cameras

- not allowing municipalities to make decisions to ban plastic bags (Bisbee)

He might not be as outwardly offensive or unethical like his fellow LD3 reps, Kolodin and Chaplik, but if he can propose a bill sure to piss off anyone that actually believes in local control and representational democracy, he is ALL OVER IT.

Further, he wins the legislative hypocrisy award. For a guy who thinks no one should pay taxes or receive any government benefit, he collects 3 government pensions (and, that’s not including the salary his wife had as mayor of Fontaine Hills). He’s only had government jobs and has always received government subsidized healthcare through his positions as first a port authority cop in NY, through the AZ legislature, and as a “professor” at local community colleges. Talk about “sucking off the government teat”. This from a man who said to me- “if you send your children to public school- you are a leech on society”. That actually happened.

It’s hard to pick the worst member of the AZ legislature, but he gets my vote.

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I too am full of cheese S.A.L.

May the New Year bring you health and happiness and bring us more of your wit, memes and undying drive to shine a light on the chaos engulfing our school districts.

P.S. I'm trying to get a permit to set up my popcorn and tinfiloil hat booth outside the board meetings in '24.....wish me luck!

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