“Every Student, Every Day, Except the Girls.” What exactly does that mean? And why the hell is a WOMAN saying this?

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This is because they confuse protecting trans kids with harming cisgender girls.

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Thank you for your coverage of the PUSD meeting. It was one hell of a way to start the weekend. I remember the congresswoman from Paradise Valley who, years ago, put something before the legislature that all AZ adults be required by law to attend a Christian church on Sundays. I thought we had progressed beyond that - I was mistaken. It's like living in Dogpatch without the humor.

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My goodness, it’s hard to read that Christian terrorists are taking over our public schools boards and trying to dumb down our kids who will have to compete against others who were not so terrorized by their school’s board. Can any human not believe in change? I get so angry at this idiocy and my kids are out of school. One is a doctor of anesthesiology. Does the Christian terrorist want to be have her anesthesia and monitored by the way the Bible time did? A stick in the mouth to bite down on, a dirty knife, and a rock to the head if they scream too loud? Or the old shove cow dung up your vagina to stop your pregnancy bleeding. Thank science we don’t do that again. The Christian terrorists are so vocal and loud. We all need to get loud and stand for logic, knowledge, and science. Thanks so much for the report.

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Wow, this article had some of the DUMBEST, CRAZIEST statements I’ve ever read! My brother and his family live in Az (kids are adults now).

This is exactly why I’m always telling people to vote all the way down the ticket, because it’s at the local level that the most dangerous, deranged ideas often become law.

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I REALLY appreciated this update as a thrice failed school board candidate ( tusd). Thanks loads. And ps Moxie cannot be the best dog in the world because Chula and Chamaco hold that spot!

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Thank you Jeanne for being willing to hold these dangerous religious extremists accountable. Their off-the-charts crazy "beliefs" are really frightening.

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Jeanne, your patience with these folks proves your commitment to honest public education. Thank you!

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