What would Jesus do? Srsly who gives a shit?

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Respectfully. Me, to my inner depths. I have been radically changed. Jesus came to set us free, not bind a yolk around the necks of our children and berate adults into subjugation. 35+ yrs serving public ed, loving children, following Jesus, and honoring the laws of our land/ separation of church & state. (You did ask lol) May 2024 be your Best yet Victoria.

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Best writer on the interwebs.

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xoxo Moxie xoxo

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S.A.L. I firmly believe all parents should instill that Christian tenet in their children starting at an early age and hammer the point home on a daily basis.....for if they did, the world would have less assholes. I know I am and ya know what.....I'm raising an empathetic, caring and kind human.....which obviously, the world needs more of!

Keep fighting the good fight my friend! I appreciate all you do!

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A guy at our gym wore a t-shirt with huge print on the back that said "MY ONLY PURPOSE IS TO GLORIFY GOD." I hope he doesn't have a family or important job.

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And he's at the gym? He should be down at Casa Maria Soup Kitchen making bagged lunches. Oops. That's the New Testament.

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Great article! I also wrote about opening day and how much there is to do.

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SO ECSTATIC!! Congratulations to our new DVUSD Board President Ann Ordway & VP Paul Carver!! Not only is Ann the HEART of DVUSD, but she also announced a great report on kicking cancer's behind! On cloud nine this week!

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